Background and challenge
Our client is a world metropolis with increasing requirements for motorised trips, which currently amount to 15 million each day. The city faces considerable transport challenges with congestion in the road and public transport networks. As part of its long term plans, the city wanted to submit an application for hosting a major summer multi-sport event. We were asked to develop the transport solution for inclusion in the city's candidacy file.
Approach and recommendations
We used our significant experience from similar successful strategic assignments to synthesise a robust transport solution for the city.

We first analyzed in depth a series of studies and data to assess the current situation, as well as city development plans for the next 10 years.

Based on the selected venue footprint, the city needs and the Games expected demand, we developed a portfolio of significant investments from the city's existing transport Master Plan, and proposed a few key additional projects.

We also supported the design of the critical road network for the event officials and estimated travel times between various origins - destinations.

Our work also focused on the estimation of spectator and workforce demand for each venue and we analyzed the combined event and city demand vs available capacity of public transport systems.

Finally, we developed the appropriate to the local environment transport governance model in order to guarantee timely, effective and within budget delivery of transport projects.
Developing the transport solution for a city bidding to host a major event
We proposed a targeted investment portfolio, based on the city's long term plans. When completed, this portfolio will change the transport landscape of the city, leaving a significant legacy. The suitability of the proposed critical road network has been validated by the city's transport model using advanced techniques. Using this network, clients will enjoy comfortable journeys to competition and non competition venues through the city's significant landmarks.