Transport is transforming. New business models, governance schemes, disruptive technologies, sustainability imperatives, changes in the way we live and commute, have an impact on transport infrastructure and operations. Transport needs to connect people and locations, ensuring social and economic participation for all.
Neollect may support you in this transformation journey, whether it concerns public transport, active transport, traffic networks or large-scale transport facilities.
In Neollect, we have an outstanding proven experience in business planning of transport operations built in demanding circumstances all around the world. Services we provide include:
sharing of global best practices;
vision and objectives setting;
network planning;
transport modeling support;
design of new operational schemes, explore outsourcing alternatives;
facility design based on loads and operational scenarios;
new organization charts and operational processes;
performance management system design;
financial analysis covering both capital and operational budgets;
forecasts for direct and indirect revenues and expenses (including staff, materials, spare parts, energy, rental fees, contractors);
sensitivity analysis;
risk analysis;
implementation roadmap;
How we may help
Your benefits
Our services will enable you to:
learn from global benchmarks;
address bottlenecks of your operations;
meet unexpected demand for transport services;
plan your work with numbers that make sense;
leverage outsourcing opportunities;
know what to expect in revenues and expenses and timely ensure required funding;
manage your operations building upon quantitative information, set clear, measurable targets to achieve;
understand the risks associated with your operations and prevent them from arising;
implement a plan to achieve your business objectives, allocate tasks to your team.